Friday, September 30, 2005

The Daniel Fast..

A young boy was very excited as his holiday was coming soon. He couldnt stop sharing to his friends what his parents has been promising him. "My mom and dad is going to bring me for a vacation. I'm going to Hawaii. And mom told me i can eat all the icecream i want when I'm there." he said. Tommy was a chubby boy, so his dad has been teaching him the Daniel Fast. A teacher passedby and overheard him. She then walks towards the boy. "What are you kids talking about? You should be doing your homework i gave you." the teacher said smiling at them. The boy couldnt resist, so he shared his excitement to his favoured teacher too. "I'm going to Hawaii next week. And I can eat all i want.", he told her with a big smile on his face. "But what about your Daniel Fast? Arent you going to be fasting?" She asked, pinching his already pink cheeks. With another great smile, he replied "No teacher! I wont be fasting anymore. You see, my stomach has changed alot. It's now allergic to Daniel Fast!"

A trip to Heaven..

A SundaySchool teacher was teaching about good and bad in a small room not more than 8 childrens. At first the young teacher told of a story about a young boy commiting a crime and being a naughty boy. She then explains to them that committing a sin against God would lead them into a hot burning place called HELL. "Who would want to be abandon by God and go there? Lift Up your hands. " She asked them. The kids were scared and didnt want to go to that nasty place, so no hands were lifted up. The teacher smiled and told of another story where a young boy has been very pleasing to God, and that God took the boy to a place which was wonderful and covered with gold. All eyes were on the short teacher, paying great attention. "It's call Heaven" she said. "So who would want to go there to be with God?" she asked again. All the children lifted up their hands except a young boy. So the teacher was curious as why the boy didnt lift up his hands and she asked, "Tommy, why arent you lifting your hands? Dont you want to go there?". The boy looked deep into the teacher's eyes with his innocent eyes and said, "I cant follow. Mom will be mad at me. She wants me to go home right after church."